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Feb 07, 2024

5 Project Planning Tips for Your Home Renovation Project

Tags: Project Inspiration

DIY projects and home renovations can feel daunting after the initial excitement wears off. While you may be tempted to jump right in and start working, planning out your project in advance can help you stay on track and avoid any mishaps along the way. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you plan and stay organized throughout your project.

Determine Your Budget for Renovations

Setting a budget is the first step of any renovation project. Your budget will help you determine the design and materials you choose and set the tone for the entire project. Make sure to consider the size and complexity of the project and be honest with yourself about whether it’s something you’re comfortable tackling on your own or if it will require a little extra assistance.

Decide on Design

Having a clear vision for your project is crucial to ensuring everyone involved is on the same page. Not only does it help you communicate your ideas to the builders or designers, but it also helps avoid any unwelcome surprises when all is said and done.

If you are taking on a DIY project, having your design drafted up will also help salespeople make product suggestions so that you have the correct materials to achieve your end goals.

Make a List of Materials

Making a list of all your materials helps ensure that you have everything you need to complete the project. For example, if you are redoing the siding on your house, you should consider everything from the siding to the trim, fascia, soffit, and finish products. These small details can be easy to forget or put off, but they are essential to making your home look complete and well thought out.

At Marks Lumber in Clancy, MT, we recommend ordering all your circle sawn wood products simultaneously to help avoid missing materials or delays later on.

Measure Twice

If you're taking on the project alone, give yourself time to measure all the materials you’ve listed. Take the time to write down your measurements and even measure twice to ensure accuracy. Nothing is more frustrating than ordering and waiting for products only to discover that you don’t have enough material to finish the project.

Add Waste

Once you have your measurements, you’ll want to add some waste to compensate for any mismeasurements or mistakes during installation. Certain products will require more waste than others, depending on the type of material and quality. Make sure to consult with your salesperson to see how much waste they recommend adding for that specific product.

At Marks Lumber, our qualified sales team can help you throughout your entire project, from determining the best product to achieve your design goals to figuring out measurements and waste. Contact us today for help with your next project or to learn more about our circle sawn flooring, siding, and timbers.

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