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Tongue & Groove

Marks Lumber’s circle sawn Tongue and Groove is the perfect option for paneling, soffit, and wainscotting. A slightly lower grade than our appearance grade products, this T&G provides a more rustic appearance with endless amounts of character.

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Our #3 Grade circle sawn Tongue and Groove is a center matched profile. Unlike our #2 Grade flooring, this product is not end-matched and can be sold by the piece. Choose from 4-inch, 6-inch, or 4 and 6-inch mixed width.


Surfaces: Floors, walls, ceilings, and soffit

Texture: Circle Sawn

Finish: Unfinished

Grade: #3

Thickness: 13/16”

Width: 4”, 6”, or mixed width

Net Coverage: 3 ¼”; 5 1/8”

Length: 8’-16’

Moisture Content: Kiln dried to approx. 12%

Profile: Center matched; relief marks


No, it does not. Our circle sawn T&G is technically a biproduct of our #2 & Better Flooring, which is a center matched profile.

While we do have customers use our #3 Grade flooring in their homes, it is better suited for more rustic settings like cabins. If you are considering using a #3 Grade flooring in your home, you can expect a more labor-intensive installation process and approximately 5% more waste than what you would have with a #2 Grade.

If you are getting a large quantity for flooring, we will likely sell it as random length. However, if you are using it for paneling or soffit we typically sell it by the piece.

It is recommended that you acclimate Marks Lumber’s T&G for approximately 14 days before installation.

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