Last month, Marks Lumber was happy to be involved in helping the Helena Babe Ruth Baseball Association (HBRBA) with the construction of a new playground at Ryan Park, located near the Lewis and Clark Fairgrounds. The HBRBA, with the help of the Kiwanis Club, sought donations to construct a new playground at Ryan Park for younger kids to play at while their siblings participate in sports.
Ryan Park houses 13 baseball fields, as well as other fields for rugby, football, and lacrosse, so there was a definite need for a play area that helps occupy the kids during the many games that take place at the park.

As part of this effort, Marks Lumber donated 70 yards of Engineered Wood Fiber to help finish the project. On April 30th, volunteers from Marks Lumber and the Helena community gathered at the fields to receive the donation and help spread the playground chips.

Thank you to the HBRBA, the Kiwanis Club, and all other donors and volunteers involved for taking the time to put together such a wonderful community project and for allowing us to help out. We are so excited to see this go up, and hope the kids enjoy their new space!