Give us call us at 406-933-5794 to place an order, no walk-ins please.

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													 ML doug fir 2021 2


Previously we had very limited stock of Rough Circle Sawn timbers on hand and timber orders could take up to 6 weeks to process, due to the sawing schedule and dry time. Timbers are defined as material 3’’ thick and larger.

We are happy to announce that due to mill improvements and selective sawing this past winter, we have built up an inventory of common sizes of rough circle sawn timbers. Our goal is to have common sizes in stock to be able to have orders available in less than two weeks. This will involve changing the order process for timbers. We are pulling timber orders on Wednesday, to be available for pick up on Thursday. This means orders will need to be placed by close of business on Tuesday, in order to be processed that week. Orders placed after Tuesday will be processed the following week. This will apply to phone, email and walk-in orders.

This process only applies to stock items. Large orders and non-stock items will have to be cut and dried as before, with a time frame of 4-6 weeks depending on our sawing schedule. Please call or email to get your order placed and check inventory, so that we can have your order ready.

Thank you for your business, if you have any questions regarding this new procedure, please feel free to call, (406) 933-5794,

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