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Sep 20, 2022

Come Tour Our Newly Renovated Mill on October 21st, 2022

Tags: Marks News & Events

Event Details

What: Mill Tour and Customer Appreciation Day

When: Friday, October 21, 2022, from 9 am - 3 pm

Where: Marks Lumber: 30 Lump Gulch Rd, Clancy, MT 59634


In 2011, the Montana Legislature established the third week in October (16-22) as Montana Forest Products Week. The week is dedicated to honoring the forest products industry and extending its appreciation to the industry for providing locally-made wood products, stewardship of our private and public forests, and gainful employment.

In support of Montana Forest Products Week, Marks Lumber will be hosting its sixth annual Mill Tour and Customer Appreciation Day on Friday, October 21st, from 9 am - 3 pm. A free lunch will be provided to the first 100 people, starting around 11:00 am. Adventure Dogs Food Truck will be providing hot dogs, chips, and two sides.

Tours of the Mill

The tour will give people the opportunity to watch as the log is de-barked, fed to the sawyer, and then processed into timbers and full-dimension rough lumber in our newly renovated sawmill. See how the lumber is dried in our bio-fuel-powered kiln and produced into our beautiful finish products, such as flooring and siding. Also, see the variety of by-products that are sold as landscape material and biofuel to ensure a zero-waste operation.

Stick around after the tour to learn more about our current sustainability initiative, the benefits the forest products industry has on our forests, and what we can do to help create lasting, healthy forests for years to come.

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