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Jan 26, 2022

Sustainable Forest Management in Action at the Sterling Ranch

Tags: Forestry, Sustainable Lumber Practices

In this video, Marks Lumber profiles John Ottman of Ottman Forestry Consultant, discussing his largest endeavor as a private forestry consultant - a 26-year project known as the Sterling Ranch. Located in Wolf Creek, MT, the Sterling Ranch Company is made up of four enterprises: the ranch, timber, hunting and recreation, and investments. Approximately 22,000 acres of forest land comprise the Sterling Ranch. With Ottman’s help, these stands now create a beautiful mosaic that boasts a diverse range of wildlife and allows access for the landowners, recreators, and agriculture.

At Marks Lumber, we are dedicated to advocating for healthy, sustainable forestry practices, and educating the public on the importance of the timber products industry in Montana and across the U.S.

Interested in learning more about sustainable forestry? Check out the rest of the Marks Lumber blog.

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