Wood siding is an excellent choice for anyone looking to create a beautiful and durable custom home. However, if you're thinking of going with wood siding, it's important to keep in mind the maintenance required to keep it looking great throughout the years. To help you get the most out of your wood siding, here are a few quick tips to help keep it looking fresh for many years.
Choose the Right Wood Siding
Not all wood sidings are created equal, and choosing the right type of wood can help set you up for success later down the line. While wood siding is fairly durable, it’s important to consider your climate when choosing your wood species. Douglas fir, for example, can be very durable in drier climates like Montana. However, if you live in a more humid region, cedar or redwood may be a better choice for you.
It’s also a good idea to do a little research about the quality of the wood siding you're considering before buying. Checking on things like moisture content, relief marks, profile and thickness with the manufacturer or supplier can help you determine the quality of the siding.
Proper Installation
Proper installation of wood products is crucial to the overall durability of your siding. Making sure all sides, edges and cut ends are coated with finish is a great way to ensure a long-lasting product. Additionally, installing the siding according to the manufacturer's recommended instructions can help avoid gaps that may allow water behind the siding, making it susceptible to rot.
It’s all about the Upkeep
Dirt and pollen can be detrimental to wood siding. Regular washings are key to ensuring your siding stays looking fresh for longer. At Marks Lumber, we recommend using Perma Chink’s Log Wash to get the most out of the life of your siding.
It's also a good idea to inspect your siding for damage regularly. Checking for rot, worn paint or stain, and other damage is a good way to ensure you catch any issues before they become major problems. Make sure to touch up the paint or finish if you notice peeling to keep the wood protected.

Quality Finish Products
Choosing quality finish products is one of the best ways to ensure you get the most out of your wood siding. At Marks Lumber, we recommend using Lifetime Wood Treatment to keep your wood siding protected and lasting for many years. Lifetime Wood Treatment is a non-toxic, one-and-done stain that doesn’t fade or wear. This stain is perfect for anyone looking for an easy, affordable finish product.
Looking for more tips to help your wood siding last? It's always a good idea to talk to a professional or consult the manufacturer for specific recommendations.
For unique wood products that are sure to stand out, contact Marks Lumber’s qualified sales team to learn more about our circle sawn Douglas fir shiplap, board and batten and 105 sidings.