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Jul 07, 2021

Summer Project Inspiration with Circle Sawn Timber Products

Tags: Project Inspiration, Circle Sawn Lumber

With the snow melted off and the sun finally shining, you're probably starting to dream of all the upcoming home improvement projects this summer will have in store for you. At Marks Lumber, our circle sawn, Douglas fir lumber, and timber products are the perfect choices for exterior projects that require both durability and natural beauty! From pergolas and gazebos to decks, covered porches, and timber frame entryways, we have the project inspiration for you. Check out our summer home improvement list for this season's project inspiration!

Outdoor Entertainment Space

Summers are all about spending as much time outdoors as possible. Creating an outdoor entertainment space is the ultimate way to make sure your backyard is an inviting, relaxing space for your family and friends. Pergolas and gazebos are excellent summer projects to take on that will help turn your yard into the sanctuary you deserve.

There are many unique design options to choose from when considering the kind of pergola or gazebo to build this summer. Whether you'd just like a small cover to go over a barbeque or something more elaborate that will fit your whole family, pergolas and gazebos are a wonderful option to consider when looking to ramp up your outdoor space.

Upgrade Your Deck

Updating your deck this summer is the perfect project to take on when the warm weather hits. Cleaning, restaining, or replacing your deck are all projects to consider when updating your outdoor space.

Starting off with a good cleaning this summer is not only a great habit to get into to increase the longevity of your deck, but it's also the first step you'll want to take if you think it's time to restain your deck boards. Getting everything moved off your deck and cleaned up will also allow you to see if rot or mold is becoming a problem.

If you notice soft spots or areas where major splintering has occurred, it may be time to replace your deck boards. When new decking is required, consider Marks Lumber's Radius Edge deck boards. Radius Edge Decking not only offers a beautiful, soft appearance, but the curved edges are also comfortable on the feet and help water slick off effortlessly.

Timber Entryways

If you're looking for a summer project that will instantly improve the look of your entire home, consider adding a timber frame entryway to create a beautiful focal point. A timber frame entryway is an excellent addition that creates a cozy look and feel and quickly boosts your home's curb appeal. In addition, timber accents are great projects to take on as they make a massive impact on the look of any building without having to update the entire structure.

Timber entryways can look fantastic with various home styles and can easily be customized to match your preferred aesthetic. Whether you are looking for just a simple King's Post Truss or something a little more elaborate, such as this intricate Hammerbeam Truss, you can't go wrong with adding timber accents to your home!

No matter what size project you are looking to take on this summer, Marks Lumber's circle sawn Douglas fir lumber and finish products can help you transform the look and feel of any residence. Contact our qualified sales team today for more information on how we can help you upgrade your home!

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